terça-feira, março 03, 2009

Shit rolls, piss trickles

DANIELS - Gotta go upstairs

KIMA - What's up?

DANIELS - Deputy's throwing some kind of piss-fit.

KIMA - Major know?

DANIELS - He's up there now.

CARVER - With a mouthful of piss, probably.

HERC - Like our major don't know what that tastes like? It's the chain-of-command, baby. The shit always rolls downhill.

CARVER - Motherfucker, we talking about piss.

HERC - Piss does too, think about it.

CARVER - Shit rolls, piss trickles.

HERC - Downhill, though.

(The Wire, Ep. 1, Season 1)

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