domingo, março 18, 2007

A ler

A ler o viciante artigo do sempre fluente William F. Buckley Jr., na National Review Online, sobre o recém-falecido Arthur Schlesinger, figura de peso na historiografia americana, sobretudo na história política crítica (vista pelo lado «liberal»). Um excerto:

Schlesinger wrote serious studies, of the age not only of Jackson but also of Roosevelt and of Kennedy, for whom his enthusiasm was uncontainable. Arthur proceeded to write not one but three books on John F. Kennedy, whom he venerated. He lived with the risk entailed in following so uncritically the careers of his favorites. Professor Sidney Hook dismissed one of his Kennedy books as the work of a "court historian." Schlesinger minded the derogation not at all, so much did he cherish public controversy which cast him as maintaining the walls of the fortresses that protected his idols.

[João Carlos Silva]

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